
Yourone-stopopenplatformcoveringtheentireapplifecycle:innovation,development,distribution,operation,andanalysis.,HUAWEIID.LogintoaccessCloud,AppGallery,andmore.Phone/Email/LoginID.LoginviaSMS.Forgotpassword?LOGIN.REGISTER.Country/Region.,Automaticallyverifyappcompatibility,stability,performance,andpowerconsumptionremotelyandgeneratereportsforyoutoimproveappquality.Learnmore ...,RegisteraHUAWEI...

AppGallery Connect

Your one-stop open platform covering the entire app lifecycle: innovation, development, distribution, operation, and analysis.


HUAWEI ID. Log in to access Cloud, AppGallery, and more. Phone/Email/Login ID. Log in via SMS. Forgot password? LOG IN. REGISTER. Country/Region.

AppGallery Connect

Automatically verify app compatibility, stability, performance, and power consumption remotely and generate reports for you to improve app quality. Learn more ...

AppGallery (app distribution platform)

Register a HUAWEI ID and get verified. Then sign in to AppGallery Connect, go to My apps, create an app, add the details, and upload the app package.

Publish to Huawei AppGallery

It is required to publish the app to Huawei AppGallery. You can find the App ID on the Huawei Developer Console by navigating to App Services > AppGallery ...

Mobile Service > IAP > Huawei AppGallery Console Guide

You must enter the App Information - OAuth 2.0 Client ID value on this screen as the Huawei App ID value in the NHN Cloud IAP console app settings.